Thank you for all of your support. We have already reached $26,733 of our $250,000 initial goal! (Update 11/03/2022)
Imagine waking up to the news that all that you have worked for is gone, and you have no way to contact loved ones who may have experienced the same.
On September 28, 2022 Hurricane Ian devastated our part of the world.
This is a very real situation for so many within our community.
Donate Today.
We are so grateful that you would consider donating to this important cause.
The best way to donate without incurring additional fees is a direct funds transfer. You can transfer funds to our bank:
Account Number: 898760696
ACH Routing Number: 322271627
Wire Routing Number: 021000021
Bank Name: Chase Bank
Account Holder: The Projected Foundation Inc.
Note: Please include your contact information in the note so that we can email you are receipt for your donation.
If you prefer to donate via Go Fund Me, we have set up an account to accept donations also. Please select the button below.
We are a Lee County (SWFL)-based 501c3 nonprofit organization and our mission is to improve educational opportunities quality of life for those most in need. We have a unique opportunity to help our neighbors with their dire needs.
In a community just a few years removed from a difficult recovery from Hurricane Irma's impact, known as a vacation destination to people around the world, our residents are suffering. Hurricane Ian has brought the greatest challenge yet.
We have many residents that have lost everything, including loved ones, homes, businesses, pets, vehicles, clothes, literally everything. Entire communities simply no longer exist and islands that housed thousands are now only accessible via boats and emergency services.
Along with homes and businesses, schools have been completely destroyed. Students of all ages have no idea when or where they will start to attend classes again and if they will be with their classmates and administrators that support them.
Our community has come together to support one another and we are already starting to rebuild, but the impact is so great that we need all the support we can get to ensure that while families are grasping for the basic essentials additional support is provided to ensure that families have access to the services and support they need.
We will work with our community directly and with larger organizations to ensure that anything you can spare will go to the residents that need it most.
Starting first with the core essentials:
Then moving onto the next wave of needs for those that lost so much, this includes:
Personal belongings - many residents lost all their furniture and other belongings
Services - lost loved ones.
Childcare - Lee County schools are closed indefinitely. Parents are now faced with the burden of child care and earning a living simultaneously.
Transportation - So many vehicles were completely submerged or swept out into the Gulf of Mexico leaving many with no transportation.
Insurance deductibles - homeowners must pay fees which range from 2-3% of the value of the home.
Insurance gaps - Many did not have flood insurance due to their proximity to the beach yet got flooded; homeowner insurance does not cover flood. Flood insurance does not cover contents. People have no recourse.
Please email us at
The ProjectEd Foundation, Inc (“the foundation”) is a non-political organization and does not support/oppose political candidates. The foundation filed under section 501(c)(3) of the United States of America Internal Revenue Code, also known as a charitable organization, and its filing is pending with the IRS. We fully expect approval; however, the IRS is taking up to 12 months due to a backlog. Once approved, the status is retroactive to the filing date. If for some reason an issue arises; albeit unlikely, the foundation will have to re-file and it may require you to reclassify your tax deductible donation.